
Custom National Park Tag | Name Tags for Reptiles Amphibians and More


Show off your pets’ names, species, or special label with our custom tank tags! Tags are carved out of natural birch.

***IMPORTANT!! For symbol in top right corner, please visit The Noun Project and choose a symbol. We have a premium license and have unlimited access to any of the artwork on that site, so you can choose any symbol.***

We offer the following default sizes: Small (2″ high), Medium (3″ high), and Large size (3″ high)
Custom sizes are available – email us for info!

Please enter your pet(s) name(s), species, or label you want as the main title:
Visit and choose an icon. Copy and paste the URL to the icon or icon number into this form.
Categories: , SKU: N/A


Show off your pets’ names, species, or special label with our custom tank tags! Tags are carved out of natural birch.

***IMPORTANT!! For symbol in top right corner, please visit The Noun Project and choose a symbol. We have a premium license and have unlimited access to any of the artwork on that site, so you can choose any symbol.***

We offer the following default sizes: Small (2″ high), Medium (3″ high), and Large size (3″ high)
Custom sizes are available – email us for info!

Additional information


Small (2" High), Medium (3" High), Large (4" High)